

Woiden Hax-OpenVZ VPS visit GitHub failed "port 443: Connection timed out" Troubleshooting

The network environment of Woiden VPS has changed, and direct access to GitHub often encounters the following problems curl: (28) Failed to connect to api.github.com port 443: Connection timed out Solution: Open TUN; Install WARP to cover the useless IPv4 outbound on woiden; Modify the /etc/wireguard/wgcf.conf to make original IPv4 inbound for SSH still available; Do what you want (access GitHub?)

V2Ray WebSocket+TLS Mode Process of Connection and Troubleshooting

If you setup your VPN server correctly, and you used normally for a period of time, but suddenly can't connect; Or you can connect your server normally, but your friend can't connect your server; Then this troubleshooting guide could help you a lot. This guide also introduces the process of connection.

V2Ray WebSocket+TLS Mode Troubleshooting | First-Time Setup Failed

 If this is your first-time setup V2Ray server, this troubleshooting guide could help you a lot.

Setup V2Ray VPN Server 101 | on Hax.co.id VPS, totally FREE

bash <(curl -L https://github.com/crazypeace/V2ray_VLESS_WebSocket_TLS_CaddyV2/raw/main/install.sh) bash <(curl -L git.io/warp.sh) 4 

Setup V2Ray VPN Server 101 | on Racknerd VPS, $10.28 USD Annually

Please click here to order Racknerd VPS $10.28 USD Annually. https://my.racknerd.com/aff.php?aff=1374&pid=695 768 MB KVM VPS 1 vCPU Core 10 GB PURE SSD RAID-10 Storage 768 MB RAM 1000GB Monthly Premium Bandwidth 1Gbps Public Network Port Full Root Admin Access 1 Dedicated IPv4 Address KVM / SolusVM Control Panel - Reboot, Reinstall, Manage rDNS, & much more Available in Multiple Locations JUST $10.28/YEAR - WOW!!

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