当订单从Shopify导入DEC(dhlexpresscommerce)系统,生成Commercial Invoice时,排除税和运费之后设置产品价格

当订单从Shopify导入DEC(dhlexpresscommerce)系统时,产品价格没有跟随Shopify系统中客人下单时使用的折扣码进行打折,也没有排除税和运费。这样在DEC系统中生成Commercial Invoice时,价格金额大于客人实际支付。

解决方法,设置 DEC系统中 Order Value Adjustments

Go to Settings

Click Integrations from the Settings menu

Scroll down until you see the Order Value Adjustments section

Select one of the four radio buttons (Information on options available below)

Click Save

No Adjustments: With no order adjustment DEC will use either the total value or sub-total depending on the platform.
- 这一项直接使用系统中原始的价格金额。不管折扣,税,运费。

Adjustment based on Total Value: DEC will always take the total amount paid by your customer and use this as the master value. Working backwards DEC then adjusts the item values (on import) to ensure that all items add up to this master value.
- 这一项是把运费和税添加到货物价格上再生成订单。

Adjustment based on Total Value - Tax: This works the same way as Adjustment based on Total Value, except tax is subtracted from the total amount paid, before adjusting the line items.
- 这一项是应用客人下单时的折扣后,排除税,还是把运费做进产品价格里。

Adjustment based on Total Value - Tax - Shipping: This works the same way as Adjustment based on Total Value, except tax, and shipping are subtracted from the total amount paid, before adjusting the line items.
- 这一项是既应用客人下单时的折扣,又排除税和运费。


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